Flame Retardants

– for your safety –


Products on the market have to be safe in case of fire enabling people to leave the area before an initial fire propagates. Flame retardants which act as fire extinguisher immediately in case of ignition shall neither disturb the mixing and processing nor the color, surface or grip. For this purpose a whole bunch of ALFRIMAL® products has been developed and is available to suit all market demands.


At processing temperatures higher than 200°C, aluminum hydroxides start to give off water during processing already and therefore are not useable as flame retardant.
For such applications, even at processing temperatures of more than 250 °C, magnesium hydroxide-based products ALFRIMAL® MG are an option due to the fact that they give off their water at temperatures above 300°C.
In case of fire, ALFRIMAL® MG acts as an effective flue gas scavenger of acid flue gases in halogen containing as well as halogen free systems.