High-performance fillers
for demanding applications
Industrial Minerals CALCIUM CARBONATES
Flame Retardants
Functional Specialty Minerals: TALCS
Pigment Compounds TRIPAK
Tailor made solutions ALPHAWHITE TiO2-Slurry
Excerpts from production steps
here: Marble stone washing and classification plant in Kainach, Austria
Chemical purity through colour classification:
– free from organic substances thanks to double washing –
Insight into the marble stone washing plant installed at the factory in Kainach, Austria.
Each marble stone passes through the plant twice and is washed with water under high pressure. Fine particles washed from the surface of the marble stones result in a “white cloud” in the washing water produced.
This results in the highest chemical purity of the marble stones, as fine-particle organic and inorganic impurities that are physically bound to the surface of the marble stones are completely removed.
The wet stones are then classified according to whiteness for the production of CALCILIT® KA.